Password Protect Entire WordPress Site Effortlessly
Sitewide Protection by PPWP Pro
Employee-only Website
Private site for internal communication purposes
A completely private space for your employees to access company confidential information.
Every employee needs to enter a valid username and/or password to access the private content.

Lock company site
Block Google and other search engines from indexing your private site. In other words, no one can search and find your site anywhere on the web.
Display certain pages
While your whole internal site is kept private, you can still make some specific pages or posts public. Display a well-designed homepage to the public is a nice way to advertise your company.
Private sites
Underdevelopment sites
Membership sites
Underdevelopment Travel Blog Site
Have a new idea for your blog but need some time to work on it?
Even though your blog is not ready to go live yet, it can still be indexed by Google. Anyone will be able to find your incomplete work on the search results. It’s certainly not the best way to expose your original ideas to the public.

Sitewide protect
One click to lock your entire under-construction site with PPWP Pro
Exclude coming soon page
Leave the coming soon page to the public. That way, users will stay tuned for your upcoming blogs.
The sign-up page that helps get more subscribers for your travel blog could be excluded too!
Redirect users
Once unlocking your site successfully, each user with a different password could be redirected to different landing pages according to your purposes.
It’s also possible to create multiple sitewide passwords and manage them all in one place!
Customize sitewide password form
*Pictures shown are for illustration purpose only